
Rhipidoglossum xanthopollinia

Formerly called Diaphananthe xanthopollinia, we’ve grown these potted, on cork plaques, and even have a group just hanging on wires; granted they are in a greenhouse, but it just seems that these are NOT fussy plants! Personally, I like them hanging, because it’s easier to see their pendant spikes that form below the leaves. The flowers are a translucent creamy yellow and though we’ve not checked ourselves (and why not?!!) are reported to be fragrant of lilac after dark. They have a fairly wide distribution in eastern Africa. We grow them well in intermediate to warm temperatures in moderate light. To see a REALLY nice flower image visit: This is a photo of our plant in bloom, taken by a friend.

The bareroot, blooming-size division shown in Brenda’s hand is representative of what you’ll receive.

Additional information

Weight .6 lbs

Rhipidoglossum xanthopollinia
