
Diaphananthe bidens ‘Big Sky Robe’

Diaphananthe bidens has LOTS of synonyms…but this is its current “accepted” name. We love the foliage on this plant. It’s beautiful when out of bloom (and you can’t say that of all orchids). The flowers are not large, but are produced en masse. Ours bloom in the spring. They are relatively widespread in Africa; from Sierra Leone, Congo, Uganda and Angola. We’ve grown our plants in pots, on tree fern plaques and simply hanging from screens in the greenhouse and all do well.  For detailed information about this species, please click here to read the article Cyrtorchis chailluana in the Culture Information section of our website. 

You’ll receive a top-cut, BARE ROOT, blooming-size division from our stock plant.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

Diaphananthe bidens ‘Big Sky Robe’


4 in stock