
Aerangis hildebrandtii

Microterangis hildebrandtii may be more familiar to you than Aerangis hildebrandtii; it’s a rather new taxonomic change. There is some question whether it is in fact a different species from Aerangis hariotiana. Native to the Comoros Islands, this species is not as widely seen nor available as [Aerangis /Microterangis/Chamaeangis] hariotiana. The main difference we’ve noticed is their FRAGRANCE! They are neat little plants and a colorful “must have”. They can be grown potted or mounted, grown in intermediate light.

Due to their similarities, we are currently growing our Aergs. hariotiana mounted and our Aergs. hildebrandtii is potted (in unglazed terra cotta pots) so mixing them up is nearly impossible!

Additional information

Weight 1.1 lbs
SKU: N/A Category:

Aerangis hildebrandtii
