
Bifrenaria harrisonae ‘Riopelle’ AM/AOS

Bifrenaria harrisonae ‘Riopelle’ AM/AOS is an interesting plant with wonderful angular pseudobulbs. Endemic to coastal Brazil, it’s a medium-sized, warm-growing epiphyte and/or lithophyte. It blooms in the early summer on a short inflorescences (shorter than the leaves) each with two fragrant flowers. The flowers’ lip looks furry! These need a dry winter rest after which one should resume watering and fertilizer as new growth appears in the spring. It has been previously named a Lycaste, Stanhopea, Colax, Dendrobium and a Maxillaria. Jay’s Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia has a great image of it growing in situ at: Pretty harsh looking conditions compared to what we give it!

We have established divisions in 3″ pots.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

Bifrenaria harrisonae ‘Riopelle’ AM/AOS


5 in stock