
Aerangis citrata

Aerangis citrata is endemic to Madagascar. It is likely the most popular of the Aerangis species for several reasons. A blooming sized plant is quite small (a bit larger than a true miniature). The flowers are rounded and all face out (like on a well-bloomed Phalaenopsis). And, they’re really quite easy to grow. The flowers are slightly yellow in color, hence the name. Our first plant had one flower spike on its first blooming, two on its second, three spikes on its third blooming and so on!!! They’re easy to bloom—sometimes more than once per year—and are very rewarding.

**We’ll send one that has a flower spike when possible**

Additional information

Weight .8 lbs

Blooming size plant $32.50, Multi-growth, BS plant $45

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Aerangis citrata
