
Vanda falcata

Neofinetia falcata is now called Vanda falcata. So many changes…sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the name changes made by taxonomists! We’ve just recently changed our rupicolous Laelia tags to reflect their change to the Cattleya genus. We do our best to stay updated with our angraecoids. Vanda falcata is where we’ve drawn a line. We’re going to continue calling them Neofinetia falcata for the time being. To us, they seem so distinctly different from Vanda and they have centuries of carefully documented cultivation that we’re continuing the traditional name and jargon. If you’re interested to see which ones we have for sale, click here. We plan to add more as we divide them and get them established!

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Blooming size plant $32.50, Multi-growth, BS plant $45

Vanda falcata